> About Us > About The Group


Little Pearls was born in1994 with a vision to provide an environment that is full of acceptance, freedom for exploration and love for learning.

Taking baby steps, it has expanded its wings over the years understanding, experiencing and loving children. Our vision is to ensure that children enjoy their childhood and they learn, play, explore, discover and grow without succumbing to the pressures of growing up. A beautiful combination of playschool, day care and a kids activity club, it serves as a one stop destination for children from 6months -10 years.



Little Pearls is the world of love, laughter and learning. The thought behind Little Pearls has been to celebrate childhood by nurturing it with stimulating learning experiences.

The aim is to provide an opportunity where each and every child reaches his/her full potential and gets the best possible start to education.



Maintaining International Standards we follow the curriculum of Early Years Learning Framework that caters to children coming from different nationalities. An eclectic blend of methodologies like Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Playway is used to plan and implement the curriculum. The aim of Early Years Education is not to educate or teach but to be there and support when the child is ready to learn.

The focus is to develop the different aspects of personality by giving ample opportunities for exploration, communication and experiential learning.