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Montessori and Playway Teaching Methods

Montessori, a method of teaching that was formed in the 1907, has been gaining acceptance and appreciation, in the 21st century. It is renowned for its individualistic learning experience, which allows children to understand themselves, and their capabilities, in a distraction free environment. The innate pillar of self – correction that holds up the Montessori curriculum, allows children to grow at their own pace, without the pressure of doing activities the right way, and helps them create a more meaningful and deep understanding of the skills they are trying to acquire, instead of simply following instructions.

This form of teaching also imbibes activities that are abstract in nature, therefore the engaged children start to develop their own imagination and are not limited to the material objects of the world. Montessori is known for its diversion free applicants of teaching, which assist the child to concentrate, assimilate and retain their subjects in the clearest possible way.

On the other hand play – way is a more millennial procedure of guidance that focuses on teaching children through elements of colour, play and imagination. It is widely implemented because of its activities that support group interaction and team work. Children are introduced to the ways of the world through engaging forms of frolic that ease them into their curriculums, without adding the pressure of learning.

Since, we at Little Pearls, aim at providing our students with the most well – rounded teaching methods, therefore, we are taking the step to mix the two constructive forms of teaching, in order to provide a curriculum that lays out the best of both worlds. For example – the Montessori way of teaching can be adopted in order to help students retain and memorise numbers and letters, however in order to make children understand the application of what they have grasped, we will take the help of play – way, which will bestow children with the space to freely contrivance their skills in a fun mode, while simultaneously teaching them important life – skills.

Little Pearls has therefore, constructed a carefully thought -after curriculum, to merge the two distinct modes of teaching, and we hope that our efforts will be embraced and supported by the Parents, so that we can together usher our children to become the best versions of them.

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