> Best Play School > Best Preschool in Vasant Kunj

Best Preschool in Vasant Kunj

Parents looking for playschool for their precious little ones, find what they are looking for at Little Pearls!! The facility boasts of the infrastructure of international standards and the highest standards of hygiene and safety are followed.

For optimum growth and development, the classes are segregated according to age so that children of similar ages can mingle with their peers as children always benefit when they are with their peers, learning social interaction and human interaction. The children are kept actively engaged in age-appropriate activities. A different theme is introduced every month to keep their interests alive and they are exposed to a new language, new sensorial activities, and visuals. This is a feature unique to this playschool in Delhi.
Different methods and tools for indirect learning are followed so that the children are exposed to art and culture, numeracy and literacy, music and movement, sports, etc. Various hands-on activities and experiments are part of the curriculum to teach the children. Children learn using the Montessori, Playway &Reggio Emilia methods of education.

Children are encouraged to perform both on and off stage as this enhances their communication skills and builds confidence. Numerous opportunities are given to children, from the simple show and tell activities in class to speaking their dialogues and performing at various celebrations at school as well as on the Annual day. These activities are fun for children and educational at the same time. A stage performance is often the highlight of their time at school as they get to dress up and enjoy the celebration. It is wonderful to see the little ones in their outfits and how much they enjoy themselves at this playschool in Delhi.
Safety is paramount at this best preschool at Vasant vihar, a strict vigil is kept by the staff at all times and all areas of the preschool are monitored through CCTV. The footage is recorded and is shown to parents if need be. The children are taken out of the premises for visits, walks, etc only if the parents give written consent. Children are only handed over if the person is carrying an authorized card issued by the management. No unauthorized person is allowed to enter the premises at any time. Hygiene is given prime importance as well, all areas of the school are cleaned thoroughly twice a day. Air quality is monitored regularly and all common areas, toys are sanitized daily.

Parents can connect to school by filling the playschool inquiry form on the website and visiting the school at their convenience. Alternatively, they can fix an appointment by contacting the school directly. Seeing the school in action, how lovingly the teachers and support staff treat the children is an assurance for the parents. Parents are encouraged to be with their child for the first few days at school as this ensures a smooth transition and reduced settling time. It is often seen that the children are so happy at this playschool in Delhi that they cry not when coming to school but while going home!!

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