> December 2022


Dear Parents,

Little Pearl Team wishes you “A Very Happy and Prosperous 2023”.

The Theme for the Month of December was “Seasons and Christmas”.

The changing from summer to rainy to winter is a great way to begin to talk with preschoolers about the passage of time. The children were given various activities to begin to know what happens at different times of the year. (Warmer in the summer; Christmas is in winter; you can buy strawberries in the winter and mangoes in the summers; and so forth.) These activities lead them to explore the whole year, think about different seasonal changes, and discuss what happens in other locales during the seasons.

The school organized Diversity week from (Dec12-Dec16) to promote – celebration, education and understanding of different cultures and nationalities present in our school.

We would like to thank all the parents who took time out of their busy schedule during diversity week and gave beautiful presentations about their home countries and danced, shared gifts, food and wonderful facts about the world around us.

The school took the children for a field trip to Mogly’s Farm. The children enjoyed their day out in the sun with a number of farm animals. They saw various animals, a vegetable garden and swings, slides, trampoline and more. It was a fun day and playway learning at its best!

During Christmas week, children were spoken about importance of sharing and caring.

The children decorated the Christmas tree, made Christmas ornaments and exchanged with each other, sang carols every day and enjoyed the year end class party. School had a special Christmas Assembly where in teachers enacted a musical play on Christmas theme. Our very own, Radhika Ma’am, dressed up as Santa and went around school, spreading the spirit of Christmas and distributing candies.

Children had so much fun. The school was filled with their laughter and smiles.

Wishing you all are having amazing holidays and looking forward to see our little one as school reopen on 12th Jan 2023.



Little Pearls