> Early Schooling > Providing a Loving, Comfortable and Vibrant Environment

Providing a Loving, Comfortable and Vibrant Environment

Providing a loving, warm, comfortable and vibrant environment with the focus on the
holistic development of children is the main feature of this playschool in munirka. For
the same, age appropriate activities are designed and based on a well planned
curriculum. Different methodologies are followed and implemented, ensuring that the
best is brought out in each child.
A different theme is taken up each month and all activities, worksheets are planned
according to the theme of that month. The main foyer, class boards and other key areas
of the school are decorated according to the theme for enhancing visual and sensorial
impressions. Age appropriate activities keep the children’s interests alive at the same
time helping them learn and understand different concepts through observation and
The morning assembly is that time of the day when the whole school and staff are
together. The day begins with a prayer to thank God for everything that he has given us,
followed by exciting nursery rhymes and songs to start the day on a positive note. The
theme of the month is also kept in mind while introducing new rhymes. The children
look forward to coming to school and singing and jumping with joy at assembly time.
This also helps the children to see each other as well as the staff and teachers
conceptualising the idea of a family. The children therefore feel comfortable with all the
teachers as they see them on a daily basis.
Hygiene and safety are given utmost importance. All areas within and outside the school
are cleaned regularly to eliminate any chances of contamination and breeding of germs.
Regular pest control and cleaning practices are followed thus ensuring highest standards
of hygiene. All classrooms and common areas are equipped with air conditioners and air
purifiers for the comfort of the children. Safety of children has been kept in mind in
terms of infrastructure, classroom design and furniture.
Home cooked, nutritious and well balanced meals are provided to the children. The meal
menu is shared with the parents on a monthly basis to address any concerns, allergies
etc. The parents also feel comfortable in knowing what their child is eating in school. The
food is cooked in an in-house kitchen by experienced cooks. The children eat a variety of
food and thoroughly enjoy meal times with their friends and peers.
A qualified and experienced nurse is permanently available to handle any minor medical
emergencies. A tie-up with the nearest hospital for medical emergencies is in place.
Parents are informed and their consent is taken for the same in case a need arises.
The children of this playschool in munirka are encouraged to take part in different
activities like pottery, dance, taekwondo, stage shows, music, show and tell
presentations etc thus keeping them actively busy, focussing on their all round
development at the same time. One can often see them thoroughly enjoy these
activities as they learn and have fun with their peers at the same time. It is wonderful to
hear their laughter and giggles echo in the corridors as they move from one class to
another with ease and confidence. The children look forward to these activities as they
help the children to become more creative and active.

The school has various play areas with swings, toys, rock climbing, adventure zone
where children can be heard laughing and having fun. It is amazing to see how children
play with each other in spite of their different cultures, language etc. It establishes the
fact that childhood is innocent and beyond any barrier of language, religion or culture.

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