> Best Play School > Top Playschool in Anand Niketan and Shanti Niketan

Top Playschool in Anand Niketan and Shanti Niketan

A world full of love, laughter and learning loving with a warm, comfortable and vibrant environment is what Little Pearls offer to the children. The children are looked after and cared for by a team of expert and well trained and experienced teachers and nannies. With over twenty-five years of experience, the school is one of the oldest playschools in Vasant vihar.

The playschool admission is based on the age of the children, starting from around one and a half years of age. Social interaction, life skills, and holistic development are what the school focuses on as well as numeracy and literacy.

A different theme is taken up each month and all activities, worksheets, stories, puppet shows, etc are planned according to the theme, this ensures that the children have hands-on experiences and intrinsically understand the concept instead of mere rote learning. All activities are designed and based on a well-planned curriculum for playschool. Different methodologies are followed and implemented ensuring that the best is brought out in each child. Children have fun while learning and thus look forward to new activities every day.
The playschool ensures a smooth transition between the home and formal school thus playing a key role in the child’s growing up years. Parents and children are comfortable in the loving atmosphere in the school and are thus assured that their child is in the best hands!! Open door policy is practiced and parents are welcome to observe their children during their day at school for the first few days. This enables a bond to be formed between the school and parents and is of immense importance for both.
The well lit, spacious classrooms are decorated beautifully and have areas for free play, the working stations and a cozy corner where the children read. The books are easily accessible and thus often catch the attention of young readers. The books provided in each classroom are age-appropriate and are changed monthly. Children learn how to handle books and keep them back after reading.

Hygiene and safety are paramount at this preschool and the preschool has been awarded many times for the same. All areas of the preschool are cleaned regularly to eliminate any chances of contamination and breeding of germs. Regular pest control and cleaning practices are followed thus ensuring the highest standards of hygiene. All classrooms and common areas are equipped with air conditioners and air purifiers for the comfort of the children. The air quality reading is taken on a daily basis and is updated on the school website every day as well. The safety of children has been kept in mind in terms of infrastructure, classroom design, and furniture. The school’s playground is equipped with outdoor toys like toy cars, tricycles, see-saws, swings, slides, and a trampoline.

A nutritious and well-balanced meal is provided to the children attending the preschool. Breakfast, lunch, and fruits are provided to the children. The playschools menu is shared with the parents on a monthly basis to address any concerns, allergies, etc. The food is cooked in an in-house kitchen by experienced cooks. The children eat a variety of food and thoroughly enjoy mealtimes with their peers.

With an infrastructure of international standards, spacious, well-maintained classrooms, activity areas, safe and hygienic environment, well qualified and experienced staff and a loving, warm atmosphere, this is undoubtedly the best playschool in Vasant vihar!!

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